#05 Network Chart
Characters with Similar Personalities
DV Details
- Creator : Clarissa Wiraharjo
- DV Type : Network Chart (interactive)
- Category : Character Personalities
- Tools Used : R
10 selected series Interactive Network Chart
Note that you can zoom in, zoom out, and double click on a character to see the other characters they are directly linked with.
(Please be patient to allow the Interactive Network Charts to load, as they are pretty heavy. I would say they are the DVs I’m most excited with, and that they are very worth the wait because they are fun to play around with!)
These network charts links characters with similar personalities together, and characters with similar personalities are determined by those whose personality correlations are higher than 0.5. These links create networks between the characters, hence it can be observed that character points closer to each other are more likely to have similar personalities. The colors of these points indicate the gender of the characters, and when a cursor is hovered over a character point, they can learn about where the title of the series the character comes from.
It is very interesting to see how characters of a similary ‘type’ are grouped together, such as the villainous characters such as Thanos, Draco Malfoy, Darth Vader and Lord Voldemort are grouped together, then how controlled, intelligent characters such as Sherlock and Tony Stark are linked to them as a mediator to the other typical, ‘good’ protagonists. These chord links also displays how concentrated a certain personality type is, and it shows how the there the links are very concentrated on the protagonists and more ‘friendly’ characters, which indicates that there are less varieties in personalities on these kind of characters. Although this may also be due to the dataset having more information on these characters.
Users can double click on a character point to learn about the other characters a character is directly similar to. Overall, the selection, tooltip, physics animation, zoom, and interactivity features of this network significantly helps in the user experience of this DV. It makes the DV very fun and interesting to explore around. Whilst being a very amusing DV, I believe it would be significantly better if it allows the character points to display pictures instead of just a color, and for example if the width of the chords can represent the values of the personality correlations between characters!
The network charts for each of the 10 individual series are illustrated below: