Character Personalities

Lollipop Chart (Tableau) - Personality Spectrums of a Character

Lollipop Chart (Tableau) - Personality Spectrums of a Character

Lollipop Chart DV construction using Tableau Public For fun, this DV aims to indicate the personality scores for the 36 spectrums in the recommended version of the Open-Psychometrics test.

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Chord Diagram - Characters with Opposite Personalities

Chord Diagram - Characters with Opposite Personalities

In this DV, characters with opposite personalities will be linked together in a chord.

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Interactive Network - Characters with Similar Personalities

Interactive Network - Characters with Similar Personalities

This DV will visualize an interactive network of characters with similar personalities.

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Correlation Plot - Character Personalities

Correlation Plot - Character Personalities

This blog will show the DV construction of an interactive correlation plot of the Marvel Cinematic Universe characters.

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